Hey Trevs - welcome to the site...
Originally Posted by Trevs
I would just like to have a half decent valid schematic in hand so it at least looks like I know what I am talking about when I go down to have a look at the parts.
Not knowing anything didn't stop me. I really had no clue!
I want to comment on the $672 figure. Yes, we had a road legal EV on the road for that NET amount, but the actual cash outlay was closer to $2k. The price difference was dedicated resale of used parts.
Have you seen this series?
It’s a Trend! 3 Dirt Cheap DIY Electric Cars | Hypermiling, Fuel Economy, and EcoModding News - EcoModder.com - it'll give a decent reality check on low/medium speed cheap EV's.
Note that
everyone has been wondering about upgrading their voltage from where they started.
As for your schematic, that will technically work, but
1) you really need a pre-charge resistor in the circuit, or you're risking premature failure of your motor controller; and
2) if you're going to forego the go pedal contactor, you need a big red panic button or clutch activated disconnect for when your controller fails fully ON (you should plan things for that eventuality).