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Old 03-13-2009, 11:36 PM   #66 (permalink)
Coyote X
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I guess putting the other 2 pictures of the sprocket sitting in place would be nice

I bet you will still have to cut a bit off the Ranger springs. I had to use a spring compressor to get them in there full size. With my 6 batteries and me standing in the trunk it still was a lot higher than it needed to be.

The 4 cyl Ranger springs are lighter and the V8 springs are heavier. So if you think your car is up to it try a V8 set I think the year range to look for is like 85-94 so that gives a pretty good chance of finding them cheap. Explorer springs would probably also work but I am not really sure. I need to look around for a stiff replacement front set so I could get some decent handling out of the car and it won't ride so soft.

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