Thread: Today's Newbie
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Old 04-10-2009, 03:04 PM   #5 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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No, the Suzuki will not be modified. It gets 60-74 MPG as-is, it will be used for picking up the kids after I add a sidecar. It's also good for short trips on the highway. It's a cruiser styled bike, I sit in a position that doesn't bother my back. No stretching or contorting involved. It's also light enough so I can lift it if I drop it.

The EVCycle will strictly be used around town.

I dunno about aero-modding my pickup. I rarely drive it on the highway it does spend a good deal of time in scrapyards and at the dump. I'd be worried about tearing stuff off. How much of of an increase would I see in a truck that mostly travels under 40 mph?
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