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Old 04-11-2009, 01:51 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TestDrive View Post
Hi Phil.
Are you
  1. Using a computer where you work?
  2. Using a computer at a business where you pay for time on the computer/internet?
  3. Being allowed to use the computer as a favor?
If you've scanned into Photoshop, you'll need/want to save the image.
Select "Save for Web" on the File Menu.
(Part of the reason for the quiz - if your answer was - "2 Using a computer at a busines where you pay for time ...", there may be various gotchas about saving the picture.)

With regard to the photobucket problem -
Do you know what OS the computer is running? (Windows 98, Windows XP, some version of Mac, ???).
Do you know which browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari ...) and browser version you're using on that machine?
Depending on your answer to the above questions, fixing the problem with Photobucket maybe an extremely simple and easy fix - or not.

With regard to "------------------------------------------------------------------"
I always assumed those strings of dashes were just a quirk.
Seeing as you're apparently working from a computer you have limited access to, now I'm wondering if they're an unintended consequence that just as soon be rid of? If that's the case, let me know a little about what you're doing different when making the posts in which they appear.

Hope this helps.
TestDrive,thanks for the input.I saw your post last session but store was about to close and couldn't respond.------- The computer that I use is in town and I pay by the hour for it's use.------- It runs Windows XP and the internet interface is through Mozilla Firefox.-------- The thing about the dashed lines,is that I'm not using any kind of word processing program for the text and there is no way to set tabs or do indents to signal a new paragraph.Pretty primitive!----------------- When Al Glidewell helps me send images with emails,he'll go through dozens of key strokes and dozens of windows before it's all done.He just leaves me behind in the dust.---------- Free time is none existent and I feel that if I juggle time to learn word processing and graphics,I'll never have time for the internet.---------- Once I get here to the copy center,it's kinda balls-to-the-wall until the clock runs out.Any help will be greatly appreciated.I have digital camera, and also scanning capability here,and so far have relied on Al do do all the image transfers.Thanks again,Phil.
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