Note from admin: copied this post and the next one from this thread:
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
My opinion, based on as-controlled-as-possible A-B-A testing (straight & level road, absent any other traffic, cruise controlled, back to back bi-directional runs) is you'll not likely see any drag reduction using AirTabs. Seen this? . . .
Thanks! A few questions:
- How much warm-up time and speed before the first "A" test? (Prius warm-up is ~30 min., thermal changes takes about 5-10 minutes.)
- How much warm-up time before the first "B" test?
- How much warm-up time before the second "A" test?
- How many minutes per run?
- Ambient temperature that day?
- Start and stop times?
My hypothesis is driving to the test area may have been long enough to warm-up the vehicle. Entering the first "A" protocol would have 'good data.' Then adding the vortex generators would allow the vehicle to 'cool off' somewhat. Then taking off the vortex generators for the second "A" appears to be much closer to the "B". I think I'm seeing the pattern in a plot of the data.
What has peaked my interest in the protocol is the second "A", especially the "West" runs really look different. The "East" runs are more consistent ... given the limited number of runs.
Are the vortex generators still available?
I am thinking about replicating the test using 104 kph (65 mph) that corresponds to the last plateau before MPG drops off.
Bob Wilson