Junimrox -
Originally Posted by Junimrox
After 1 week I have checked my samples to see if they would stick to the car. They were hard to take off, although not leaving any mess.
So I have covered my fog lights with contact. Its not that resistant but its well glued so I think it might tear, but not fall. I have already driven the car at speeds near 60kph(37mph) and its still there just like it was. I usually don't reach speeds above 90kph(56mph) because of the laws(i just got my driver's license, i can't have any ticket within a period of one year).
Here are some pictures of my car with and without the mod(you may not notice the difference, its not visible at 2 meters(6feet))
Right side(driver's).

This is my favorite picture. It's so clean!!!!!!!