After 1 week I have checked my samples to see if they would stick to the car. They were hard to take off, although not leaving any mess.
So I have covered my fog lights with contact. Its not that resistant but its well glued so I think it might tear, but not fall. I have already driven the car at speeds near 60kph(37mph) and its still there just like it was. I usually don't reach speeds above 90kph(56mph) because of the laws(i just got my driver's license, i can't have any ticket within a period of one year).
Here are some pictures of my car with and without the mod(you may not notice the difference, its not visible at 2 meters(6feet))
Looks like a big foot, so high... I don't know if I will lower it because my city looks like a rally, holes everywhere, one bigger than the other...
The spoiler... its kind of aerodynamic... don't know, what do you guys think?
The fog lights before mods
A bad picture showing almost nothing, except it really is very far from ground. But I checked, the sideskirt is not lower than the car's bottom.
Not aerodynamic rear end. The bumper is empty, I thing its a very bad thing for aero, I might cover everything.
Driver's side modded fog light. (you can see my fathers red '86 VW Gol(i think its scirocco in other countries) behind and at the reflex)
Right side(driver's) modded, left stock(i think there's small difference. maybe there's is more flood in the modded one, but the fogs are more flood than focuse anyway)
Left side modded, showing it from top. You can see the adhesive making a line near the grill(you can also see my shoes).
Right side(driver's).