Originally Posted by JacobAziza
I can't keep up with all your posts!
Keep in mind there are a LOT of laws. And really, how often does someone walk around with a sword?
Ok, actually I have done that on a number of occasions, but it is still pretty rare.
Yeah, I should be editing posts instead of posting again.
I have also done that - but according to most officers, it's "illegal" and they will confiscate/issue a citation for it.
What they don't know is that they're issuing a citation for a law that doesn't exist, citing another law which doesn't cover the issue at hand.
Another example -
I have a pistol. I don't have a LTCF in any state, reciprocal or otherwise. In Pennsylvania, it is perfectly legal to have said pistol "on my person, conealed or otherwise, in my own abode." This does not mean that it can be taken outside my home, even on my own property.
I've been issued a citation for "concealing a weapon on my person unlawfully" for carrying that pistol in my home, in a holster, while a cop was present. (That cop was already upset with me for other things, I think he was venting.) I won that one too.