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Old 07-03-2024, 04:22 AM   #371 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Phase View Post
They wanted to make it a little sportier
Sounds crazy. Well, sometimes oversized wheels become a liability when it comes to fuel economy. A few months ago I even had a chat about it with a lady who owns a 3rd-gen Prius, and didn't know the wheelcovers actually had a function regarding the aerodynamics

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Old 07-03-2024, 02:44 PM   #372 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
Sounds crazy. Well, sometimes oversized wheels become a liability when it comes to fuel economy. A few months ago I even had a chat about it with a lady who owns a 3rd-gen Prius, and didn't know the wheelcovers actually had a function regarding the aerodynamics
That doesn't surprise me at all. I'd say maybe 1% of car owners have thought about the aerodynamics of their car.

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