Well, thats likely my progression in this venture. I would start off with a new gasser as the used ones Ive seen locally are trashed and need work. New ones at the Honda dealer are 3 grand.
Ive riden a bmx as well as schwinn bikes and cant see going 15+ mph on a continious bases alone the sidewalk and feeling safe. Ive riden mopeds, mini bikes, trail bikes that are gassers and felt fine.
Id get one on ebay from China and shake it down. Since I plan on getting rid of my insight, that will leave my sidekick as my other form of transportation. Seems any attempt to service the sidelick results in breaking,stripping hadware so I would need a back up to get parts, hardware, etc where I live.
Once I shake down the moped to be an alternative source of trnaspostation and I had the money I would consider buying parts like an E wheel hub motor, batteries and such to make it electric. Of course I got to make sure I can plug it in where I want to go, otherwise I would be best to keep it gas as there is a station on every corner.
I am not convienced all together this eco or green stuff is all its cracked up to be. Seems the Insight has its battery problems if NOT used, an oll change is double what a regular one is and for the cvt you got to change the fluid too at the same time. Now the state of VA wants to charge hybrid owners 100 bucks a year to off set the gas tax and I only drove 40 miles a day when I had a job.
Did I mention I have a defunct enginer plug in kit? It died after the company went out of business.