Originally Posted by drainoil
Certainly not trying to derail your thread but do you mind giving us a quick take on your experience with this kind of job and with tipping or lack thereof at times? After 5 years of this, Im sure you saw all walks of life and have some unique insight. This is one job I secretly always wanted to do but for no particular reason, never even applied.
Yeah we were in a really good area to see "All walks of life" we went from Section 8 housing all the way up to million+ dollar houses.
By your question I'm not sure if you wanted to me to explain some of the different stuff I saw or just as far as tips go.
But here is how tips went (believe it or not):
The very rich tip $2-3
Mid to Higher class would tip $3-4
the trailer parks would tip $3-6
section 8 would never tip
As far as race goes:
It seemed like Hispanic and Indian people sent out memos on how to tip drivers because:
ALL Hispanics tipped $3, every single time--You could place bets on it
ALL Indians tipped $1 and whatever change was left over from the food, so $1-$1.99
And I got really tired of people saying delivery drivers were being racist when they say black people dont tip so here is the FACTS about white vs black tips, this is with over 100 person sample size I took.
White people averaged $3.86
Black people averaged $1.89 ***BUT!!*** It turned out to be almost FIVE times more likely to get $0 off of a black person, which means that, in turn, we got some good $7, $8 tips from them too to make that average.
And if anyone is wondering, here is how your driver sees tips (atleast all the drivers at my store)
$0-0.99: We label your phone number and address as NFT and next time you order food, your pizza is last priority to a driver (AKA: Its gonna be late)
$1-1.99: You're getting called names when the driver gets back in his car
$2: Was labeled to most drivers as bare minimum
$3: Is a tip no one complained about unless you were 4+ miles away from store
$4-5: Were good tips and your driver is happy
$6-7: Really happy, may brag when we get back
$8-9: We are going to brag
$10+ we had to get a manager to authorize the tip so we would always come in and announce it as loud as possible to rub it in other drivers face.... You probably shouldnt tip more than this if you dont want a call to your house making sure a driver didnt forge your signature.
When you think of tips, realize that most drivers only make about $20-$40 a night on tips if your a "Rush" driver.
A Closing driver usually makes $55-75
And the most I ever made in one night was something like $130
A Closing driver (which I was) will usually break the $100 mark maybe once every 2 or 3 months
And the last thing I will add to this is that, all drivers do is talk about deliveries they took all day, we all remember what people tip and remember you buy name (or usually address). We all compare tips to the same address. So when a driver sees a ticket, for example:
166 N. Academy st. apartment: 302
We will all be turn to the guy taking it and either tell him
"Oh yeah, these people are cool, they tip $4 every time" or
"Oh man, your screwed, these people stiff everytime"
Which amounts to either you getting your pizza fast or that driver deciding that its YOUR delivery they can finally stop at the gas station/fast food and get gas/redbull/food first