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View Poll Results: Why are you still here, when gas is so cheap?
1) Cheap is relative. I'm still saving money, just less. 47 56.63%
2) It's going to go up again, and I'll be ready. 50 60.24%
3) I don't do this this for financial reasons at all. 12 14.46%
4) Big oil sucks. I don't like supporting the oil co's. 26 31.33%
5) Efficiency is an inherently cool/interesting subject. 53 63.86%
6) I like the technical/mechanical challenge. 50 60.24%
7) O.C.D. O! C! D! OCDOCDOCDOCD 14 16.87%
8) Efficiency = increased energy independence. 38 45.78%
9) I like the group dynamic/competitiveness. 27 32.53%
10) Conservation - for environmental or other philosophical reasons. 38 45.78%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 83.

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