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COPILOT- alien horse noodle dog
She never doesn’t wanna tag along for a ride, whether its a quickie or long haul; she’s my shotgun shawty so, seems relevant enough to be here.
Those eyes 🥴🥰
A rare sit
Always helpin
Cute n all but, this scares me- This is why I need a crew cab when I find a truck.
This chair was way smaller and more cramped than the picture portrays lol
I had to wait all day at a tire place cos I had no ride to leave, and it couldn’t be done quick.. eventually she got tired of laying on the floor and...
The supervisor. Always finds the perfect spot to plop.
Ok so she doesn’t ride shotgun shotgun, her body isn’t the right shape for that nor is it safe but, she always comes with.
Never seen a cuter bunny
Happy as a clam. Love when I catch her just lookin up to the sky and sniffin.. I wonder what she’s getting a waft of..
Loved when she could come to work with me; so did she.
Love those ears
Swear I’m not strangling her and she rested her head there lol
From a cross country road camping trip
Most easy goin gal
Such a bendy snoot
Because her graceful glorious beauty deserves to be shared for admiration whenever possible.. and I totally love to convince anyone to adopt one of...
Typical day

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