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1966 Hybrid Mustang Pics
The Foward Control Panel!  There is lot going on here and I keep adding gauges to monitor all different types of experiments.
The LiFePO4 batteries are mounted in twin steel boxes in the truck.  The assembly weights around 80lbs with a rating of 2.88 kWh
The Kelly Controller and DC/DC converter are mounted up near the front of car.  I ran the DC lines from the trunk towards the front of car to avoid...
This is my second attempt at a lightwieght aux battery pack.  The BMS and batteries are show prior to covering.  This did not seen to work for my...
20 vs 6 amp chargers. The 20 amp charger seems to get to hot to place in the car.
gloove box charger (6 amp with relay switches)
hybrid emblem finally installed!

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