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Finally on the road
Been working a lot of 12 hour days and weekends so my free time has been dedicated more to family than my car. Extra time is precious and I'm working 2nd shift so I only see the kids on my weekends. Anyway, the car is up and running, just not running very well. Still need to locate a factory air box and intake pipe. Need to straighten out the idle and VTEC is not kicking in at all. Power is horrible too, I know it's a VX but the car can't even maintain speed in fifth gear at 55 MPH on a flat road! going to have to do a little more work to it soon.
The car is in decent shape, I need to plug up that big open hole in the grill though!  I also would like to replace the windshield but I'm having a...
The hood pins are there because the previous owner was just too lazy to replace the hood cable.  It's a little late now though.  I did replace the...
The windows were tinted when I bought the car and it is a good tint job so it is going to stay.  I picked up some spoon style mirrors and the racing...

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