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pictures of the car.
front view at ground level at ride height.  it is har dto show the belly pan without a lift.
from the back with a patch panel for a bad cut arougnthe muffler.  I'm considering making teh muffler disapear. I need to connect the peices at some...
trying to show under the car at ride height.
closer passenger side view of th belly pan pulled up to the pinch weld.
fornt view of the air dam at ride height.  The inlet below the plate is adjustable by moving the plate up and down.  The size may have to change some...
showing the ground clearance and the sides of the bleey pan pulled up and secure
driver side showing the sag in front of the tire. I have pulled all of the sides up to the bottom of the pinch weld and it looks a bunch better now. ...
passenger side looking rearward
the original rear configuration
rear view of the fabbed bracket. 3 pieces
fabbed bracket from the rear frame.
cross monting for the separate pieces before the rear axle center line.
Rear view.  It was the last piece and I was tired. I made a bad cut around the muffler. It is too big.  YOu can also see the twist by the right tire....
From the passenger side looking to the back.  Jack stand holes reach into the hard points of the body.
From the front trying to show it is flat front to back with a little drop under the rear axle centerline to clear the gas tank.
from the front before the sides were buttoned up to the pinch welds.  You can see the gap for cooling air exit between the black and gray. The square...
cutouts inthe belly pan for the hot parts. The two screw heads in the middle of the shot are holding a piece af steel with an airgap between it and...
Airdam 3.0 sits 7.5" above ground at the front and 6" at the rear, which is the same height as the K member.  It has been on for quite some time in 2...
century shape

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