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My Car
Going to use this as a place to document the progression of my car through photos
New carbon fiber hood I picked up for $150 and traded with a friend to sand and clear coat for me cause it was in terrible shape when I got it. still...
Car as of March 22nd. Both doors are blue now but windows and door handles work and I can unlock both doors with my key now.
New stickers
After a small deer ran into the side and I had to do more repairs to body. Still not finished, need a new door, but I am going to take it off my...
The back finally
How she looked after I rebuilt the front from junkyard parts
First accident, coyote ran straight into me at night going 60 mph down the highway
Final photo before accidents began when the car was looking the nicest
The Other side of the car around this time, but after I put aftermarket headlights on
Oldest photo I had. This is after I added a side decal and window tint

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