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Picture 1 of 1 from Album Basic HPB
Basic sketch of drive system using bike as primary.
 Bike wheel is cradled against 2 roller blade wheels with bearings intact the single wheel attached to the drive belt shaft has bearings replaced with solid shaft. Driver wheels are to be cut from 2"x 10" board overwrapped with a section of a serpentine belt cut to length and attached with brads and adhesive.  To ascertain that the  bicycle wheel remains immobile 2 short ratchet straps are mounted to the rear frame of the bike.
 Steering is accomplished through the front mount which is attached to a vertical shaft down to the rudder.
Basic sketch of drive system using bike as primary.
Bike wheel is cradled against 2 roller blade wheels with bearings intact the single wheel attached to the drive belt shaft has bearings replaced with solid shaft. Driver wheels are to be cut from 2"x 10" board overwrapped with a section of a serpentine belt cut to length and attached with brads and adhesive. To ascertain that the bicycle wheel remains immobile 2 short ratchet straps are mounted to the rear frame of the bike.
Steering is accomplished through the front mount which is attached to a vertical shaft down to the rudder.
Picture Added 04-02-2012 03:30 PM
Added by rednecktechie

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