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#1 - My Baby
A photo history of my 1st car.
Has Honda finally made an acceptable replacement for my 91 Hatchbacks? Not really, same problem as the original Insight - not enough...
My shinny, puuurty Baby
No more hot foot for me! AC usage is also way down.
Freshly repainted and ready for reassembly.
Home and unable to find a replacement, I decide to rebuild my 1st car with improvements.
The radiator was pushed up and it cracked at the AC hose bracket (center of photo).
Bits of horse hanging off the bottom. The major body damage is behind the plastic bumper cover and can be seen through the access...
The day after running over the horse. Notice that the hood is popped up and the mesh grill block is gone.
My 2nd long distance "vacation." A couple hours shy of the horse. Notice how the hood sits inline with the fenders.
Freshly painted and on my 1st long distance driving vacation. Notice the mesh grill block which was meant to keep the bugs from...
After years of commuting on a crumbling road, the entire front of the car is rock blasted.
One of the earliest digital photos of my car. The paint is already long since shot.

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