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ECOfamily Civic and Aero Hitch Box
Construction of Aero Hitch Box
Corners snipped and front skins installed.
Aluminum shrink limit.
Failed to shrink corner after first three tries.
Trace copy of front piece.
Transfer X,Y coordinates from drawing.
Completion of back skin and ribs.
Pre-bend the 4" radius to lift the side. Bend out the lips. Glue (construction adhesive) and rivet the side-rib made of .75" .05 thick aluminum right...
Rivets finished; the skin is attached to the frame.
See the frame outline transfered to the bottom. Hold the sheet flat with clamps and 10lbs weights. Drill the holes for rivets.
Using a pair of fridge magnets to find the edges of the frame.
Template transfered and cut. A better way to bend .032" Al: sandwich between 2x2 and bend with my palm.
Plywood template shown, also did a bend with 2x4 and hammer, not the best way.
Assembly diagram for the aero hitch box.
Finishing touches to the frame.
Eyeball a straightedge guide on the tangent.
Eyeball fit to the tail profile.
Yield strength of cantilevered beam.
Testing frame on driveway.
Frame welded, not quite finished, test fit.
Jig for side rail weld.
Jig for double weld.
Force vectors (hand waving edition) for hinged hitch box frame, considering 1G dynamic upward acceleration (bump).
15.5 degree and Sidewalk
v2: hinged design for better departure angle, welded square tube frame, caster farther back, UHMW polyethylene skid pad in yellow
20130125 16.5degCurb 20degSteering Departure

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