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Joris 09-14-2015 03:33 PM

0.19 CD Merc (Mercedes 2015 Concept IAA -- tons of active aerodynamics)
Had not heard of this one before. Looks pretty neat! Active aerodynamics are a thing we will see in the near future I think.

Merc's incredible IAA concept is the world

botsapper 09-14-2015 04:58 PM

...air curtains, vents, spoilers, even wheels and boattail!

MetroMPG 09-14-2015 07:00 PM

Wow! Sexy fun brain candy.

Meanwhile, over at Toyota... :D

MetroMPG 09-14-2015 07:09 PM

Noticed at Jalopnik's article on the car: even the rocker panels have a full length active flap that effectively becomes a side skirt.

MetroMPG 09-14-2015 07:21 PM

Another shorter video:

Says that the tail extension lowers the Cd from 0.225 to 0.19

MetroMPG 09-14-2015 07:25 PM

And the best illustrated comment so far at Jalopnik:

spacemanspif 09-14-2015 07:34 PM

How in the hell do you make the wheels flatten out?? I can guess on everything else but a dished wheel that flattens out blows me away...

some_other_dave 09-14-2015 07:34 PM

I believe that last image was just a "look how silly it is when I take it to its extreme" photoshop.

I could be wrong, but it certainly wasn't in the second (shorter) video. I'll watch the longer one now...


vskid3 09-14-2015 07:45 PM

Looks like something Gru from Despicable Me would drive.

Cd 09-14-2015 07:51 PM

I remember we here at EM spoke about this very thing on our cars years ago. It's been a long while, but we had spoke of a collapsable tail section just like this.

A tail could be fashioned in such a way that it slides back into itself, or outward on rails.

The tail could deploy using a signal from the VSS. Once you get to a certain speed, it would deploy and then go back into itself for parking and such.

I'm glad to see it being done - even if just on concept cars.

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