Front Contactor box and peripherals
Now back to the regular program, following a somewhat low production Christmas holiday due to sickness, and family chaos.
The front contactor initiates the connection of both 60 volt packs to the controller/inverter. Although there is a maintenance shut off switch to manually separate the two packs as well. So that makes a total of 4 shut off switches: A 12 volt battery shut-off, contactors at front and rear which open when 12v key switch is off, and the manual maintenance switch.
In the front contactor box you'll find another main HV fuse, and HV connections going to the rear charging system, including 30 amp fuses. I also included a shunt, which I did not use, instead going to a hall effect sensor for current measurement.
The inverter/controller was conveniently located in the original 12v ICE battery shelf (center of firewall). It has a water cooled heat sink behind it, which was actually required on the single hot summer day (90*F+) I happened to drive it. I therefore added a temperature gauge on the base and put the pump on a manual switch, as it may never be activated anyway. You can see the blue water line in the pick which goes to a small ATV radiator up front.
Last edited by jclars; 01-18-2025 at 02:02 PM..