FYI: Massive air dam experiment on a 1998 Geo Metro.
I've had two sheet metal air dams on various trucks 20 years apart, results were always the same.............some yahoo parallel parking by braille would eventually find my vehicle and crush the dam either in spite or just out of drunken ignorance.
Conveyor belt material is the only way to go in my opinion, I reinforced mine from behind to prevent cave-in from air pressure ( see link in signature below).
Architect, Artist and Designer of Objects
2012 Infiniti G37X Coupe
1977 Porsche 911s Targa
1998 Chevy S-10 Pick-Up truck
1989 Scat II HP Hovercraft
You cannot sell aerodynamics in a can............
Last edited by kach22i; 04-30-2022 at 11:38 AM..