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Old 04-19-2010, 01:18 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: maine
Posts: 758

oldscoob - '87 subaru wagon gl/dr
90 day: 47.06 mpg (US)
Thanks: 21
Thanked 18 Times in 14 Posts
2.3 billion gallons a year

I was a crew chief of the old school kind.. the new airstuff gets to me eventually. I found this amazing. I wonder how many teeth wouldnot be shattered today..

Courtesy: Pratt & Whitney
PurePowerŪ PW1000G Engine

Pratt & Whitney PurePowerŪ Engine

The PurePowerŪ engine is the only new engine architecture technology avail- able for commercial aircraft that will enter service in 2013. Pratt & Whitney has invested more than $1 billion in the patented Geared TurbofanTM technology, which will deliver:
°12-15% reduction in fuel burn at an engine level, 20-25% when installed on a next generation aircraft like the Mitsubishi Regional Jet and Bombardier CSeries
°Up to 15% reduction in CO2 emissions
°Up to 50% reduction in NOx emissions
°Up to 50% reduction in engine noise, up to 75% reduction in noise footprint
°Up to $1.5 million in cost savings per aircraft, per year

If all U.S. commercial and cargo airlines used the PurePower engine in 2008, fuel consumption would have been reduced by an estimated 2.3 billion gallons.
PurePower is a registered trademark of United Technologies Corporation. Talon and Geared Turbofan are trademarks of United Technologies Corporation.
absolutely incredible.

I spokeon another forum, we were comparing sr71 at fullthrottle to a 280cfm automobile.

an sr71 sucks in 15 minutes what it takes a 90hp subaru to go 1.23 million miles over a 23 year period...

of course, the engines do not use all that, it is nice to see boeing with a great invention.

considering 175 billion gallons a year in just the usa for automobiles..well, at least it is a dent.

250 million cars were registered in 2006..the most in history, and climbing.

Last edited by bgd73; 04-19-2010 at 01:39 AM..
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