Originally Posted by BlueFoot
Then maybe the torque app isn't giving me good readouts. I've always seen more advantage coasting in nuetral and using the brakes rather than DFCO on the mpg readouts, or I'm not actually able to get it to do DFCO. But it seems like it should be pretty simple to do DFCO.
Might be worth checking if your FIT has a minimum RPM for DFCO.
My previous 2011 toyota wouldn't go into DFCO mode unless the engine was over 1400 RPM when it started (i.e. when I lifted off and the car momentum was turning the engine). It would then stay in DFCO to under 1400, 900 was the minimum - the idle speed.
If I lifted off under 1400 then the ECU would select the idle program and inject enough fuel to maintain that. As the engine was now in effect idling at (for example 1300 RPM) that used more fuel than just selecting neutral and coasting.
Also worth observing what happens at low speeds - e.g. some cars have "convenience" features such as raising idle RPMs at low speeds or reverse (especially on smaller engines) to try and prevent people stalling when moving round car parks.