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Old 01-20-2022, 01:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
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2022 RIVIAN R1T analysis

1) The light table contour comparisons indicated a perfect match with Dr-Ing. candidate, Wolfgang Klemperer's Cd 0.15, basic half-body of 1922, measured at the Zeppelin Werke.
2) The R1T has a 42.7% aft-body.
3) Verjungungverhaltis ( V )= 1.5703
4) Length / Height ( L/H )= 2.99448
5) Length / body height ( L/h )= 3.36068
6) Length / Width ( L/W )= 2.65403
7) 3-dimension ratio average = 3.003
8) Projected frontal area = approx. 35.212 sq-ft
9) Length / square-root of frontal area= approx. 3.04883
10) As a 'long-tail', with Klemperer's contour extrapolated to its conclusion, and allowing for a 4-degree diffuser:
11) Length= 294.699-inches
12) Aft-body= 57.796%
13) V= 2.6366
14) L/H= 4.06481
15) L/h = 4.5619
16) L/W= 3.60267
17) Ave 3-dimension ratio = 4.07646
18) L/ sq-root of frontal area = approx. 4.13858
19) Boat-tail length = 77.6-inches
20) An 'aeroshell' terminating at the R1T's tailgate top, if following Klemperer's contour, would be a very good first approximation for an optimum shell.
21) R.J. Scaringe, creator of RIVIAN, claims that the SUV variant will have an additional 10-miles range, in spite of its added weight, implying some low-hanging fruit is accessible in the aft-body.
22) One website has attributed Cd 0.30 to the R1T.

Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
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