Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView
Tiny less as in going to a shop? I change my oil in a driveway. I also Have to use 6 QUARTS OF FREAKING OIL!!! I use synthetic, which is expensive having to buy a big jug and an extra quart.
5qt of Mobil1 is about $21 for me locally (not sure what you use, I just happened to see it the other day

). 1 standard oil analysis test is $25. So ya, that would be quite expensive... Normally I mention I run dino oil in my oil change interval posts - so ya, I'm running dino in my crankcase... My tranny is OEM fluid (which is synthetic) which costs a whopping $19.50 per 500mL - I need 4.2 500mL bottles to fill the tranny! <-- totally worth it though.
I use ~$2/qt dino oil (I think - gotta double check on that). About 4qts per change. So that's ~$8 of oil per change. Over 10K miles (3.3 oil changes) - that's $26.4 worth of 3K mile oil plus $16.5 for 3.3 $4 oil filters. That's $42.90
For the 10K mile OCI - I spend $8+$4 for oil+filter +$25 for analysis. Which is $37.
Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView
Also, what happens if the oil needs changed? then you have to spend more money...
That's not how oil analysis works, for me. I analyze my oil (collect the sample to mail in) on the way out of the oil pan. Based on those results, I adjust when I change my new oil. TBN too low? I'll change a little early UNLESS we're moving into warmer months. etc. etc. etc. My 10K intervals have been good - no problems at all. I did have one change that was a little shy of 15K that started to have some undesirable insolubles though. Oh, I did have slightly high copper on a 10K mile change - but I'm attributing that to my upside down piston rings as it hasn't come back...
I don't like wasting oil - and I don't like the extra wear associated with disturbing oil films (which is why I don't subscribe to the "it's cheap enough just to change it out frequently" camp)