Hi Guys,
This is my new thread about modding my Polo 1.4
I've worked on it recently and the plan was to install MPGuino and kill/start switch. Here are the results.
First thing was to tear apart the dash to get access to the electric harness.
Then I've installed some cables for MPGuino feed and the kill switch.
Injector signal cable

Kill switch relay - it's cutting hall sensor signal
Since my gear shift knob was made of aluminum it was almost impossible to cut the hole for the kill switch. I wanted to put it the same way as I've made it in
I needed to fabricate a new knob. I used a piece of oak wood (that is over 80 years old!)
Fabrication process:
Kill/Start switch and the knob finished
Finally I was able to install MPGuino:
If you wonder where is my radio
On the outside of the car first thing I just needed to do was to limit the air going through the engine bay:
Just a duct tape, some pipe insulation and stainless steel wire mesh
That's all for now. More to come soon (hopefully)
Now I need to calibrate MPGuino