I've always done my own maintenance, and never had a serious delay on the road. The two trickiest repairs took a week and a month out of service, over 25 years. Until two years ago, when I needed a tow three miles home, and never could trace the dead wire. I'm in the boonies, so my best option was to finally do the rings and valves on the coupe, even though I'd never been able to buy an XFI cam (US only) for it. Working underneath was not much of a problem, and having it jacked up for that saved my back when working on top. It was tedious, with lots of learning along the way, but seems successful. I'd only forgotten one hose clamp, easily remedied.
I had a friend who didn't know what the oil light on his slant-6 meant, and then replaced the bearings himself.
There is no excuse for a land vehicle to weigh more than its average payload.