Thanks Piwoslaw for pointing out to my thread.
Originally Posted by Afrersize
Why doesn't anyone seem to have this car, it was in the 2000 guiness world record book. A specialized driver sqeezed 112 mpg out of it, this is what the record was in the book. According to wikipedia the mpg rating in US units was 87 mpg, also the car had a 0.31 cd. I bet it was really underpowered. It ran on diesel.
EDIT: upon research in order to find one for sale I could find only a few, possibly the reason why no one has one, though that was still a skim search. In imperial units the mpg is rated 100.
Well, here in France, a lot of people still drive in AXs. But I don't think it was ever distributed in the US, thus the 'secret' status of this car on ecomodder.
The car you are referring to is the 1994 prototype that was never sold. It had 50 hp for 670 kg, a 'not too bad' weight/power ratio but it was outweighed by high gearing.
The production car was at 65/71 mpg (depending on version).
Originally Posted by F8L
I've done over 95mpg for over 200 miles in my 2012 Prius which weighs twice as much as that car. 
That's a very good figure, congrats. But only comparable things can be compared. Seeing the difference between the 95 mpg and your '90 day 62 mpg' makes me think that the conditions must have been very favorable. The question is : "how much would you have done with the AX in the same conditions ?".
Originally Posted by lowglider
In the real world the AX does around 52mpg.
Übersicht: Citroen - AX -
It`s still a cute car though, while newer small diesels do achieve even better fuel economy, they can never be as robust and simple to service as this was.
The only car that achieved better fuel economy was the Lupo 3L. I had the opportunity to test a Golf 6 TDI rated at 3,4 l/100 km (extra urban), I did 3,39 l with the same driving that would get me 2,8 with my AX. The best cars on the market are rated 3,0/3,2, worse than the AX.
As said, the only cars that are better than me on spritmonitor are Lupo/A2 3L. I have yet to see another car beat me (on a regular basis).