The trans should be a direct swap if it's an '89 or later. The '88 trans will have a different spline count on the input shaft. I've heard you can use an Accord clutch disc with the Civic pressure plate and flywheel if it's an '88 trans. The HF had smaller tires, so the speedometer drive gear is different. The good news is that you can easily change it, if you can get it out. I'm doing the HF trans swap too, but the speedo gears are pretty much seized in place now. If I can't swap them, I'll have to go with smaller tires or live with the speedometer and odometer being slightly off. And I'll have to correct the mileage for my MPG calculations.
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2006 Honda Insight (parts car)
1988 Honda CRXFi
1994 Geo Metro