Assuming compression is fine, physical timing is proper for the Z1, and the air filter isn't obviously obstructed.
Here is the short on taking the stumble out of a vx.
1. Spark plugs NGK zfr4f-11 -nothing else
2. Plug wires NGK HE76 -nothing else
3. ignition path -take the distributor cover off, sandpaper off the flats on the 4 points and along the rotor edge, inspect the carbon button and coil spring and contact pin, if anything looks bad replace.
4. Ignition timing - jump the diagnostic plug and attach the timing lead to the #1 plug cable, start car check for diagnostic flashes indicated by the check engine light if observed reference the FSM, let idle until full warm (radiator fan cycles) look along the timing cover with the light and make sure the inner of the three lines is aligned with the pointer on the cover, adjust advance on retard by turning the distributor. Remove diagnostic jumper.
***Test drive, most problems will be resolved by now***
if problems persist...
5. Unplug the O2 sensor and drive, if the sputtering is gone replace the sensor.
If it still sputters with the sensor unplugged....
6. Let the car cool overnight to dead stone cold and adjust the valves.
7.Check the fuel pressure at the filter test port, if the fuel pressure is good, Oside Tiger is fast and fairly cheap for injector cleaning.
Last edited by austingsx; 04-11-2016 at 06:51 PM..
Reason: added timing