That is, in addition to the hypermiled daily driver, the vacationing family wagon, the race car, the bad weather champ (with the winter tires), the sport activity vehicle, etc.
Yeah, it's all the same car.
I envy you folks with the space to keep multiple vehicles for their specialized purposes. Unfortunately city life isn't normally conducive to big garages. Not to mention life in The People's Republic of Chicago is accompanied by big taxes, fees, insurance rates, etc. So I recently expanded the use of my daily driver to include: pickup truck.
Kind of. The trailer was a mere $232 with my 20% off coupon at Harbor Freight. I'm hauling wood, drywall, flooring, etc. for my rehab project with ease thanks to a rather torquey 2.3L turbo.
Previous to that it saw duty at the local race tracks, thoroughly embarrassing cars 2 and 3 times its price
Of course, there are the more standard uses you'd expect from a little Japanese appliance
Still, it's a daily driver, 40 mile commute. I wouldn't mind spending a little less on gas than I do, which led me to I have managed to improve the mpg quite a bit, but I've still got a fair ways to go before 30mpg.
I've really been considering trading it in, but what else can I get for the price that can do as much? I've had my eye on the Fiesta, but other than the mpg, it couldn't do much else. Oh well, I guess it's time to start working on that grill block...