alternative transportation
Has anyone ever considered the construction and usage of an alternative mode of transportation? Obviously something of this magnatude is somewhat of a pipedream. I'm simply curious to the feedback that this idea may generate. I have often felt that a track would be more benificial to the users. What I propose is a highly modified ski lift track, nationwide, block by block, city to city. Am I thinking big? Yes, I am. Think of the benifits. And remember, this is all in fun. Basically the concept is a pulley system computer operated similiar to subways, monorails, ect. The carts propelled alone a network of suspended rails. Similar to a train track there are switches to bring you to your destination. Hydrolics elevate and lower the cart as needed for safe entry and exit of the vehicle. Do you see where I am going with this? Energy sources can be renewable, such as solar light, alternating with hydo power. I would love to hear your thoughts, pros and cons. Thankyou