Apexi V-AFC and auto-timer in VX
found this in my closet today. a 1rst gen APexi V-afc meter . Since this can adjust fuel +/- i think 5% i will use it with a BOOMSLANG plug n play wire harness to tweak my fuel consumption. It also sets the vtec point too as i recal.
The 2nd item i have is a unused lil cigar-shaped apexi auto-turbo timer. i think it measures and displays the AFR, along with voltage and 2 other measurements besides letting the engine idle for a pre-set time after removing the key, enabling the oil to cool a lil. not sure if it will do much in the VX i'm reswapping back in,since that has its own built-in-oil coooler from what i recall when i removed it yrs ago. Any tips for using this in my Vx? thanks and appreciate all i'm learning so far!
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