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Old 11-29-2011, 06:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Arduino-Based Scan Tool

Hi all,

I'm taking a class in mechatronics, and have chosen to do something similar to OBDuino for my final project. The only problem I am having with it so far is that all of the ELM327-based cables on ebay/amazon/google are USB-based, and I just don't have the time between now and finals to build a whole circuit for this thing.

I'm wondering if any of you have tried to hack into the RS-232 data from one of these guys, or if anyone knows of a source of the old-style DB9 connector ELM327 cables (I haven't seen one on ebay in a few years). I should say, a source that is in America, because the time required to ship things from China is not going to work for this project...

The style of cable I have is the same as all of the other ones that come up on ebay if you type in ELM327.

Any help is appreciated!

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