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Old 07-14-2010, 01:06 AM   #21 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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Originally Posted by jkp1187 View Post
Frankly, the cheap and easy shots at 'big oil' and 'speculators' are misplaced. Big oil only has the power we give it, and we're giving it power right now because nearly all of our transportation needs are fueled almost exclusively by petroleum-based products.

In short: we have met the real Big Oil, and he is us.
We are taught from very young that oil is required to drive us, any creativity is beat out of us.

In a way we are giving Big Oil power but in another way we aren't really being taught any different and once you are set in your ways it takes a massive upset to break you out.
So although its our fault by our actions, the fault lies in our society not doing its children good by teaching them correctly. We expect many things in this country that our great grandparents would not have and that is as well taught and learned, if media, schools, government and companies did not reinforce bad habits things could change.

Unless people are taught about alternatives (and see them used) and those alternatives are readily available, prescribed and supported by authority figures and cost effective you will not see the sheep using them, nor can you expect them to do so as their decisions are based off what authority figures say is true, not what is actually true.

Much like a diabetic will scorn you if you state a fact, diabetes can be controlled if starch & sugar is not consumed and you excersize, look how berserk people go over that one even though it only takes a few weeks to prove true to themselves. Odd how societies that do not have refined sugar and products also have no type II diabetes? Doctors do as well, saying its unhealthy not to eat grain, but which is more unhealthy, high blood sugar or a natural diet with plenty of meat and vegetables and no high blood sugar? I would think out of control blood sugar and its complications would kill you before eating too many omega III fats and too much good cholesterol.

People don't change unless, authority figures they support and believe in present the changes. Even then its a slow road as the alternatives have to be available which many times is not the case because of profit motive.

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