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Old 07-07-2011, 04:24 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
02Sunfire's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 7

BlackSun - '02 Pontiac Sunfire SLX Coupe
90 day: 35.73 mpg (US)
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Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
Back in the pool...

So, hello everyone, I'm Mark. I think I may know some of you from gassavers a number of years ago. I went by the username of 95Metro since I, well, drove a 1995 Geo Metro.

Fast forward 5 or 6 six years and I'm jumping back into the eco-pool with my 2002 Pontiac Sunfire.

Let's just say that life has been a journey for the last number of years. With divorce and all that goes with it (plus other issues that I need not mention), fuel-economy has been the last thing on my mind.

However, I feel that I want to get back into the hobby now and I started by FINALLY buying a ScanGauge II that arrived in the mail yesterday.

I knew my Sunfire was a really inefficient 4-banger, but the ScanGauge is really showing me where the issues are already. Hoping to learn lots and turn it into an efficient commuting machine over the next year or so.

Good to be back...

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