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DSMHondaGuy 01-13-2018 12:07 AM

Backup cameras mandated for all cars for 2018 (US & Canada)
[Admin note - this discussion split from ]

Seriously is he right that backup cameras are going to be federally mandated next year? OMG .gov stay the **** out of automotive safety PLEASE!!!! Maybe just maybe in the last century if no one really needed this **** it's not needed and should be an option. Seat belts, I get, much everything beyond that IMO should be an option. The market and demand should drive the design and features, not the government.

aerostealth 01-13-2018 01:41 AM

The deaths of hundreds of children in driveways might just be a compelling reason for mandating backup cameras.

RedDevil 01-13-2018 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by aerostealth (Post 558659)
The deaths of hundreds of children in driveways might just be a compelling reason for mandating backup cameras.

Or ban SUVs and other oversized vehicles...
It is not specifically a Mirage problem. It has better visibility all round than most other cars.

nemo 01-13-2018 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by aerostealth (Post 558659)
The deaths of hundreds of children in driveways might just be a compelling reason for mandating backup cameras.

Why stop at cameras? Auto braking would be better, the driver may fail to check the screen.

MetroMPG 01-13-2018 09:55 AM

Auto braking is also coming (voluntarily) in 2018 to a significant number of manufacturers' models by agreement in the industry. Probably only works going forward though.

DSMHondaGuy 01-13-2018 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by aerostealth (Post 558659)
The deaths of hundreds of children in driveways might just be a compelling reason for mandating backup cameras.

IMO its just one more excuse. Driver aids are not required they may be helpful if you suck and can't drive though, they should be optional, not required.

I can parallel park, change lanes and every other thing I need to without that ****. If I have any doubt their's a kid behind my car, what do I do? I get the **** out and double check! Something that important, I'm not relying on a camera which has blind spots as well I'm sure. What if the kids crept down near the tire for example?

Tech may help, but it wont replace a good human driver, and all the more reason it should be optional not required.

aerostealth 01-13-2018 01:30 PM

Welcome to the 21st century. The science tells us back up camera saves lives and now they are mandated. They get a lot cheaper when mass manufactured so there up. I will take every advantage I can get trying to operate one of these 2 to 3 ton beast.

DSMHondaGuy 01-13-2018 02:06 PM

Science tells us that? REALLY? No statistics, which can be and are commonly manipulated to show the desired outcome do.

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 01-13-2018 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by aerostealth (Post 558659)
The deaths of hundreds of children in driveways might just be a compelling reason for mandating backup cameras.

I'm not sure if back-up cameras would put kids' death to an end, but anyway, instead of loading the cars with more bells and whistles that eventually become too much of an interference over the driver's input, I don't agree with that. Why not trying to fix stupidity of reckless drivers instead of treating everyone else as uncapable to drive in a safe way? I'm OK with back-up cameras, they are indeed practical for most people, but I don't really believe it would "save" childrens' lives more than educating them about the dangers of jumping behind a car that's moving on reverse, for example.

Reckless drivers and negligent parents shoudn't be an excuse for "safety" gadgets becoming mandatory.

NeilBlanchard 01-15-2018 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by aerostealth (Post 558685)
Welcome to the 21st century. The science tells us back up camera saves lives and now they are mandated. They get a lot cheaper when mass manufactured so there up. I will take every advantage I can get trying to operate one of these 2 to 3 ton beast.

I think that insurance actuaries have data showing that back up cameras help.

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