i used this site's online tool to calculate power and fuel consumption for the various runs listed from quickest to slowest:
HTML Code:
time hp kw mL of fuel meters at cruise
3 58 43 14.26 379
4 44 33 14.42 372
9 19.4 14.5 14.67 337
12 14.5 10.8 14.43 317
17 10.3 7.7 14.36 282
At 50 kmh cruising requires 3.7 hp or 2.8kW and the fuel rate is only ~3.0 L/hkm. There is definitely a trade off between acceleration time and cruise time. The 30 to 60 kW region of the BSFC at high load/WOT is the most fuel efficient and maximizes the time in the low power and fuel usage of cruise mode. The really slow run--well you were only making about 10 hp and you can see on the BSFC that it is not very efficient, plus it incites road rage in the drivers behind you...lol. The 3 second WOT run uses less overall fuel than any of the other runs, which was my point/question earlier in this thread, but all the runs used nearly the same amout of fuel to cover the same distance--hard to really pick a clear winner here...