A friend of mine was sitting in my car today and told me that he heard that it is more fuel efficient to use diagonal windows. So the driver's side front and passenger side rear because it somehow causes less drag. I've never heard of that working but wondering if anyone has any experience with it.
I also just crack windows at highway speeds just because I can really feel the drain on the engine the a/c causes even at a low blower speeds.
Edit: another thing that has helped me a lot is a window shade. It was like a couple of bucks at big lots bit it really keeps the car cool. Sometimes it feels like when i return to it after a couple of hours of it being parked in the sun, it seems like it is cooler in the car (normally like an oven). Because of this you don't have to run the A/C immediately or the blower or sweat (your choice) as much because the car wasn't all that hot to begin with.
This is what i'm talking about because i don't know what it is calle.d