The rider causes 65% to 80% of the drag. !!!
Wow! I would be thinking about getting more streamlined helmet if I wasn't riding my bike mostly for the aerobic workout I get..
Reading about hypermiling has already got me coasted way more on my bike..
Now I'm burning less calories per mile! Meaning I have to cut back on my ice cream!

Yesterday we went out for lunch (14 mile round trip) and now that I know
how good drafting works, I was tucking in every time my wife took point.
I wasn't upset that I had to keep using my brakes on hills,
Now that I understand more of why she always
seemed to be braking..
It wasn't her braking! It was me speeding up too much..
We ride up-right bikes, so we are getting a good workout.

As you can see, I need it!!
Thanks Guys!