Blocking a Tracphone from dialing a specific number
My uncle is to put it mildly is nuts but harmless
When he is alone he sees things that don’t exist and makes up stuff and thinks people that don’t exist are stealing his pills (this is nothing new, he has been like this his whole life) Now that he is elderly it definitely doesn’t help anything.
He lives alone, has a maid clean up after him and my mom is his guardian, he is afraid of my mothers house and generally only comfortable at his apartment.
Lately he has figured out the landlords phone number and is harassing her at all hours With his crazy nonsense using his tracphone that he has for emergencies Or for calling the doctor or my mother.
The landlord is edging closer to evicting him which will be a royal pain.
He is belligerent and will only do what he wants, you cannot negotiate even the smallest thing with him, he will always do what he wants or the opposite of what you ask. Ask him if he understands and he will say yes then a few seconds later do what you told him not to.
Normally this doesn’t matter since he pretty much eats and watches tv, there is nothing malicious if you let him blather his crazy nonsense.
We don’t want to take away the phone since he isn’t in good health but we need a way to block him from calling the landlord.
Can you block your own phone from calling a number?
The landlord can’t or won’t block him, this would solve a problem if we could
Last edited by rmay635703; 07-24-2020 at 05:41 PM..