I tested it for myself.
Can YOU (and most others)
say the same?
I discerned and deducted a whole lot.
Hence my deviation from the (research) norm of 'fine as possible' powder, to dissolving the BA in (god forbid) water! to get the 'finest particles' of (god forbid) acid! (Boric)
(No the oil did not go milky as is the case with a gasket leak etc)
I also went to great pains to explain how the BA reacts with the normal oxide layer that's on all metal surfaces in an engine, instead
forming a hard, chemically inert layer. that none of the similar additives, like Molybdenum Disulfide etc, do.
I even added photos where anyone can see for themselves the smoother surface.
But Nooo! Chemistry isn't Chemistry!?
Is it 'above you'?
And the photos are... what? PhotoShopped lies by the DOE?
I also reported my findings, in which engines worked way better and lasted for years.
"Illogical"..??? Or the logical next step..???
You stopped just short of calling me a liar!
Hence my animosity etc. What did you expect/hope for!?
That's what happened and
I will NOT back down from my observations/results.
Observations =
Personal test results, of which you have NONE of your own! NONE..!
Yet here you are shouting, with no soap box to stand on.
Is that logical to you..!?
"...commercially-mass-produced automobile engine under 'non-extreme-tribological condition' operation..."
Oh; now the
'in engine research', where you 'tossed out the results' due to their being at
"non-extreme-tribological condition' operation" are in fact what is required..?
Do make up your mind!
All this 'changing the goalposts' to suit your argument is getting tiresome and smacks of 'Art of War' BS...
I could go back and re-quote all the times you contradicted yourself similarly, but that's plain for anyone to read themselves..!
(My testing was at both non extreme (normal city and highway eco driving) conditions
and at extreme WOT high rpm driving/racing)
"hiding in plain view" is this:
You want to sell lots of engines/cars:
How would something that makes them last 'for ever' help you..?
linked the info where
ZDDP was equally
rejected and called "Mouse Milk" by the motor industry for over 20 years... until (new at the time) overhead cams started seizing up.
Then all of a sudden something that made engines last longer than the sellers' cared for them to last, was suddenly 'The Holy Grail' of oil additives.
Do you have an explanation for that?
As usual any points you can't argue will be 'Art of War' ignored and instead; some new argument will be sucked out of your thumb,
making any debate a farce.