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mimsmetro 05-07-2008 05:32 PM

Boy hit by a prius says he couldnt hear it

I can understand the concept in regards to blind people, but people need to look both ways before crossing the street. Most newer cars are just as quiet.

Peakster 05-07-2008 07:01 PM

You know, I'm not against the idea of the cars emitting some sort of sound while in 'silent mode'. Even bicycles tend to have that clicking sound to them while moving and a cute little bell is a big help too.

But you're right, most newer cars are just as quiet.

Red 05-07-2008 07:08 PM

In that situation, most kids are just plain dumb. Whether that had been a Prius or a Chevy running duals the kid would have still been hit. On top of that, anyone who has been around a Prius or a Highlander in EV mode has heard the charatistic buzz/whine that those cars produce when rolling around. Those cars make pleanty of noise IMO.

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:09 PM

Well the sucky part is is that even if the person is J-walking the driver is ALWAYS still at fault :(

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:11 PM


Those cars make pleanty of noise IMO.
It's a lot harder to hear out side of the car and around a corner or something it could be inaudible. I know that on cobblestone it sounds like an earthquake is going on inside of the car, but outside you just hear a faint hum of the tires. I've been around prius's driving in a parking lot, and sometimes I wonder if someone is pushing it Flintstones style.

Red 05-07-2008 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView (Post 24073)
It's a lot harder to hear out side of the car and around a corner or something it could be inaudible. I know that on cobblestone it sounds like an earthquake is going on inside of the car, but outside you just hear a faint hum of the tires. I've been around prius's driving in a parking lot, and sometimes I wonder if someone is pushing it Flintstones style.

Really? I've always been able to tell whether one was in EV or not from about 50ft or so away. Catch is its usually in a low trafic situation.

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:25 PM

Might just be my hearing :D I'm in a band and play concerts right in front of my bass amp, and I've got a 2400 (1200RMS) watt stereo system in my jeep as well :thumbup:

Peakster 05-07-2008 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView (Post 24070)
Well the sucky part is is that even if the person is J-walking the driver is ALWAYS still at fault :(

The kid was on a bike though, and the parents don't blame the driver.

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:30 PM

still doesn't matter on a bike. I know... I had a 30 minute argument in class about it. The driver is always at fault legally, but the person that gets hit decides whether or not to press charges. If not the driver gets lucky.

Peakster 05-07-2008 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView (Post 24081)
still doesn't matter on a bike. I know... I had a 30 minute argument in class about it. The driver is always at fault legally, but the person that gets hit decides whether or not to press charges. If not the driver gets lucky.

That's so weird. You mean the cyclist could go through a red light, get creamed and the driver going through the green is at fault?? :confused: That's a pretty ridiculous loophole if it's true.

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