Below is another version of the Zetec BSFC chart with actual observed LOD numbers
roughly translated into torque in NMs. Engine warm on level ground.
From bottom left to top right...
- 42-45 LOD.... cruise in OD at 45 mph and ~ 1800 rpm...seems to be the best mpg area
- 50-54 LOD (24 TPS).... acceleration at a mostly steady 2000 I've been driving below 40 mph where the trans shifts into OD
- 66-70 LOD (28-32 TPS).... acceleration at 2200 to 2700 rpms...according to the "BSFC theory"...this type of acceleration SHOULD be more efficient...and more fun? Even funner and more efficient should be in the 2500 to 3000 rpm range?
IF the extra drive train friction losses (auto trans) are offset by the increased efficiency?
The 3rd (oval shape...2200 to 2700 rpms) option would only be used up to 40 mph...where the car shifts into OD...then the pedal would be feathered as usual for best mpg...and the LOD/RPM would drop down to the lower left line.