At 10:23 some guy shows how to start an old Ford with a screwdriver, Sandro says "The Boys," and Angelina explained the details of how it works.
[random guy] “Do you have an old Ford and no matter how many times you turn it this is all you get?
[host] “I haven't had that issue yet.”
“This my friend’s. It's called the starter solenoid. You want it because you want to make continuity between those two terminals.”
[host] “This is why these are very easy to steal.”
[Sandro] “Sexy. I mean you could do that with any starter solenoid doesn't have to be a Ford, but it's easier on a Ford because the starter solenoid is mounted right in that fender area. That's how they used to steal your cars back in the day. All you do is pop your hood, crack that going and there was no locking in the steering wheel so you'll be out.”
“So, this doesn't work in modern-day cars at all?”
“Oh no no it's a totally different system. Well, you can still start a Civic, you put a screwdriver right there, it'll start.”
How do I start my Civic with a screwdriver?!