Hey Bruce,
An intercooler!?!?!?! Are you turbocharged?!?!?! I just went to your vehicle info and it doesn't say much. No "fuel logs" either. ???
I have an a/c evaporator in front of my radiator too, but since the a/c hasn't worked for a few years and I don't seem to be worried about it, I just went ahead and did the grille block.

You definitely want to keep an eye on your engine temps if you do the grille block, though.
I think a kamm-back or full boattail would be beneficial, but as big of a rear "wall" as our cars have, it would probably have to be one helluva boat tail!!! I'm kinda thinking about some sort of "boat tail trailer" like I've been reading about on here. Actually buying a cheap(ish) trailer & then using that as the base (extra tail-lights and all) might make the most sense in this application.
From what I've read on this site (and I admit I haven't read it all), it sounds like the so called "low hanging fruit" are:
1) Slow down. Drive as slow as you can get away with, and that will have the biggest impact.
2) Air up your tires. I'm sure liability prevents anyone from suggesting going OVER the max. pressure written on the sidewall, but I'm crazy and do it regularly. I find that 60 psi in the tires yields really good results (fuel mileage-wise)
3) Grille block. Do as much of it as you can, while keeping one eye glued to the temp. gauge so you don't over do it.
4) Kamm-back/boat tail. Boat tail would probably be the top overall improvement of all, but obviously, not a quick or simple one - therefore, probably doesn't qualify as "low hanging fruit", but if you want to do one thing that makes the biggest mpg difference - in the aerodynamics realm - that's probably it.
5) And, of course, driving style. While not an aerodynamic mod in itself, if you drive like the pedals are not your friends (touch them as little and as lightly as possible), and learn how to "coast forever" when approaching a stop sign or light - - - or parking spot, that will help a lot. Your car is probably too old for a ScanGauge, but those things are worth their wieght in gold when it comes to showing you what's happening. I just love turning my engine off while rolling up to a stop and watching my average MPG for the trip click up and up and up. Of course, when the light turns "green" and you gotta start it up and accelerate, you get to see the other side of that coin, too!!!

But it really shows you what's happening, and as always, the more you know, the better off you are.
Oh, and your air dam: From what I'm getting here, you don't want to increase your frontal area with one. So as long as it doesn't hang down any lower than the other un-streamlined stuff on your car hangs down, then you should see gains. But better yet would be a "belly pan" that actually streamlines the underside. If I ever get super-ambitious, that's what I plan to do. At the speeds I drive this thing at, I'm not worried about "front end lift" or getting any "downforce" - just a smooth surface for the air to flow by...
Hope this helps. I don't mean to "preach", even though it might sound that way.
edit: Oh yeah, the mirrors. Yes, I was dissappointed, too. I was really hoping for a bigger result from that.