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Old 03-10-2012, 09:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
Easter McoModder
SwamiSalami's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: West Texas, US
Posts: 363

'99 Subaru OLL 2.5L - '99 Subaru Outback Legacy Limited
90 day: 22.57 mpg (US)

Rabbit - '08 VW Rabbit S
90 day: 32.93 mpg (US)
Thanks: 212
Thanked 28 Times in 26 Posts
Thumbs up cars switching hands

hooray! hurrah! While the FE of my wife's driving doesn't get great marks, it definitely helps that we've traded cars after the birth of our son.

Before, she was inefficiently guzzling through 30 some odd gallons a month in our jetta 2.5. It's no sports car, but it is certainly punchy and fun to drive. This combination can make it difficult to maintain good FE, but since 'the swap' as I have come to refer to it, it has been less of a liability being that I, now a stay-at-home dad in addition to full time+ Senior in college, usually have the car parked in the cozy garage.

As it is, I have seen signs of increased fuel economy in this car since I've taken ownership. This, considering I'm toting around 100 extra pounds of dad gear everywhere I go. I find that the steering, handling and tightness of the car is essential to its worth. gliding around corners is fun and lends nicely to the jetta's nimble handling. It still feels like a new car and its smooth, responsiveness makes hypermiling a lot easier than in the beetle tdi i'm used to.

Anyway, It's been a cheap year of driving for the jetta. we've spent $69 so far. we have had to put tires on it recently because we went about two years without a proper garage. The car drove like new after $600 worth of rubber!

I should have some updates soon. I guess I'll use this thread to discuss some of this stuff.

Sure would like some other 2.5 hypermilers to give us a shout out!

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