Hi, been a while

I have been in a grind of long commute and little hours for fun, no ecomodding, no creative stuff.
I trimmed the commute down every which way, I drive the beetle to the closest Sounder train station with the bike on the back.
With my MTB on the back like a ginormous drag chute, I get mid 40's at best.
No, I will not consider any other mounting system or try to load it in the back
I take the bike for the last 3 miles to work and for cardio. I spend an average of 75 miles a week on the bike, and hope to gear up and continue through the winter, except for snow and ice days.
2007 Dodge Ram 3500 SRW 4x4 with 6MT
2003 TDI Beetle
2002 TDI Beetle
currently parked - 1996 Dodge 2500 Cummins Turbodiesel
Custom cab, auto, 3.55 gears